Helena tagged me, so here you go~
Five things I want to do before I die: 1-Raise my children and help raise grandchildren
2-Own my very own home
3-Go on a mission with my husband
4-See my sister come back to the church
5-Change a life
Five things I am passionate about:
1-My religion
2-My family
3-My values
5-Reading for pleasure
Five common phrases heard in our house:
1-You decide!
2-I love you baby
3-Peeze??? Pretty Peeze???
4-How did I get so lucky?
5-What do you want to do?
Five recently read books:
2-Joy Luck Club
3-Sabrina Fair
4-Much Ado About Nothing
5-Next one on my list is: Lirael
Five songs on my ipod:
1-Just my imagination
2-I caught fire
3-Love Song
4-Hands Down
5-Kiss by a rose
Five random things about me:
1-I am attracted to confidence
2-I cant ever be happy with a hair cut, long or short
3-I am very indecisive
4-I love babies and animals
5-Im a Harry Potter guru
OK! So now I am done, I tag~Bobby Z, Tasha B, and Micah!
Have a great day!