Monday, June 23, 2008

New Events

Hey Everyone! So Micah and I have been up to a lot lately! We have been camping with our friends the Zenks, my nephew Ashe's first birthday, we have been to my sister Courtney's graduation, and we have celebrated my 20th birthday! Yay! We have also celebrated our 9 month wedding anniversary this past Saturday! Hehe! Time flies! Here are a bunch of pictures from these events, except the anniversary, i will upload those later in its own post! Enjoy!

Ive Been Tagged!

Helena tagged me, so here you go~

Five things I want to do before I die:
1-Raise my children and help raise grandchildren
2-Own my very own home
3-Go on a mission with my husband
4-See my sister come back to the church
5-Change a life

Five things I am passionate about:
1-My religion
2-My family
3-My values
5-Reading for pleasure

Five common phrases heard in our house:
1-You decide!
2-I love you baby
3-Peeze??? Pretty Peeze???
4-How did I get so lucky?
5-What do you want to do?

Five recently read books:
2-Joy Luck Club
3-Sabrina Fair
4-Much Ado About Nothing
5-Next one on my list is: Lirael

Five songs on my ipod:
1-Just my imagination
2-I caught fire
3-Love Song
4-Hands Down
5-Kiss by a rose

Five random things about me:
1-I am attracted to confidence
2-I cant ever be happy with a hair cut, long or short
3-I am very indecisive
4-I love babies and animals
5-Im a Harry Potter guru

OK! So now I am done, I tag~Bobby Z, Tasha B, and Micah!
Have a great day!