Hey everyone! Guess what!? Micah got me a brand new set of golf clubs! Its decked out in pink white and black. Cute huh!? I'm so excited! They are so cute, so now I have my own girl set and we also have an extra set for friends to use. I am including a picture of it for you, I hope you like them as much as I do!Have a great day!~Meghan
Hello! So for a current update, everything is going wonderful! My dad is in town visiting for a few days thanks to Uncle Howard! Its been fun spending time with him, we've really missed having him around! On Saturday, I got to spend a bunch of time with him making brownies and going to lunch with Micah. After, Me, Courtney, Brandon, Xilvia, and Ashe (Who is starting to walk all over!!!) all got to go to dinner at Grandpa and Grandpa Dallon's home in Lehi in honor of my dad being in town. Micah wasn't able to come because of work, but we went again on Sunday to have a delicious dinner as always. As for my new job, I am really enjoying it. I feel like I am catching on quickly and I feel really welcome. I am excited for the future and for the doors it is going to open for Micah and myself. We are excited because we have made some new friends named Helena and Bobby Zenk. They live in the same apartments as us and so we all are in the same ward. We have had a blast getting to know them and I look forward to the great friendships that are to come. School this summer is pretty nice, other than a math class, basically I just get to watch a bunch of movie clips for my Humanities class, and spend the next two hours painting. The second half of the semester I will finish painting and Humanities, and begin drawing. I am trying to learn these new artistic skills for a future in interior design. I am not very good yet, but I feel like I am improving, which is all I can ask for! haha!Thanks for all of your love and support,Have a great day!~Meghan
Hello everyone!So today was my first day at the new job. I am really sad to be leaving Prudential, but at the same time I am really excited to start here with Jive Communications. Everyone has been really helpful for me and I feel like I will really enjoy working here. I'm getting my desk all set up and my computer customized to my own liking. haha! Im really happy for me and Micah and I think this will be a really positive change!!!Have a great day!~Meghan