Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am done!!! Oh so done!!!! Phew! Glad that is over with. After three years to get my first associates, and then another two years to graduate for Cosmetology, I am finally done. This Monday we did a mini graduation party at my school because we won't be walking until May. My teachers invited our friends and family, and they did a lovely video showing a bunch of our pictures from throughout the program. It was crazy how much my hair has changed, it was long and curly, and now its straight, short, and highlighted. Everyone thought it was funny because no one recognized me at first in the pictures, its been such a change. But I was pleased that Micah and his parents came to support me, and I got my certificate of completion. My teachers took a group photo of our class all waiting to get our certificates, and here is the picture. You can see me in the third row, third from the left.

I am so glad that all the girl drama, the frustrations of learning, and the homework are done. But at the same time I will really miss those girls. When you spend 7 hours a day, 4-5 days a week, for almost two years, you grow pretty close. I could not have asked for a better experience or for better people to share it with. Congrats all grads!!!!
Have a great day!~Meghan

1 comment:

Jessie said...

That is really awesome Meghan! I know just how hard that can be! I hope your boards go well, and you can find a great job!